
Saturday, 21 February 2015

Treasure Seeking with Mati Rose McDonough

This is my week 8 piece from life book 2015, abstract/intuitive art isn't really my thing and I so very gave this week a miss, but I thought I'd get the background under way it wasn't until I decided to put a Viking boat on it that it came together for me. I'm not too happy with the gilding on the boat as the silver looks more like the sea-foam! maybe I shouldn't have used multi-coloured leaf. Apart from that it was really a fun lesson.

Affirmation Feather with Tamara Laporte

This was an extra project for week 5 of Life book 2015, I've still to make the main project which might wait until I have a few different supplies to help me create it.

The Beacon of Light with Tamara Laporte

Here's my week one main piece The Beacon of Light, I keep on adding little touches here and there to her and I'm still not entirely finished but she'll do for now.
Warning today is going to be a little like buses, nothing for ages and then a few posts. lol

Playing Tag with Roben-Marie Smith

Here's one of the life book week 2 bonus projects. Roben-Marie showed how to make quick tags and also shared a couple of tags for us to use. I use a small portion of one of Roben-Marie's tags as the main focal part of this tag and created a background to go with and also used Tim Holtz journey and sentiment background stamps.

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